Black Mountain landslide
The Black Mountain Road landslide is the biggest landslide on the Sunshine Coast in 30 years. Geotechnical assessments after the landslip determined much of the damage was below the surface, measuring as wide as a rugby league playing field and as deep as a five-storey building. Coming up with solutions to restore the area was complex and involved extensive geotechnical and engineering investigations.
The reconstruction will stabilise the road between depths between 5m to 25m across the 130m span and improve subsurface drainage. Early works began in late September 2023, with major construction starting in November. Construction is expected to finish in April 2025, weather and construction conditions permitting.
The Black Mountain Road landslide is the biggest landslide on the Sunshine Coast in 30 years. Geotechnical assessments after the landslip determined much of the damage was below the surface, measuring as wide as a rugby league playing field and as deep as a five-storey building. Coming up with solutions to restore the area was complex and involved extensive geotechnical and engineering investigations.
The reconstruction will stabilise the road between depths between 5m to 25m across the 130m span and improve subsurface drainage. Early works began in late September 2023, with major construction starting in November. Construction is expected to finish in April 2025, weather and construction conditions permitting.
Extreme weather - site preparation and community resources
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Crews have been working to make the site safe by securing loose items that could cause damage in high winds.
In some locations, temporary fencing may need to be replaced with sturdier water barriers. While this means access to the site may be possible, we want to remind everyone that access to the site is strictly prohibited and should only be entered with express permission from an authorised representative of Emergency Services who will have consulted with the Contractors and Council.
Disaster Dashboard and Slate Creek Crossing
The Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor can be accessed by visiting Emergency News when you visit the Noosa Council Disaster Dashboard at We encourage you to monitor the creek crossing before travelling during any wet weather.
The disaster dashboard also provides residents with warnings, links to emergency services, traffic information and flood mapping for the Noosa Shire area.
Further information:
- Tropical Cyclone Alfred including sand bag locations can be found at: TC Alfred Update – Noosa Shire Council
- Emergency contacts:
Community Information Session fact sheets available online
Share Community Information Session fact sheets available online on Facebook Share Community Information Session fact sheets available online on Twitter Share Community Information Session fact sheets available online on Linkedin Email Community Information Session fact sheets available online linkFact sheets and handouts from the Community Information Session held on Friday, 11 October 2024 are available online in the YourSay Project Library.
These cover key topics such as waste management, emergency and disaster management, detour and road safety, and community recovery and resilience.
If accessing the YourSay site from a desktop computer, the Project Library is in the sidebar on the right of the screen. If accessing the YourSay site from your mobile phone, scroll past the News Feed to the Project Library.
For further information on these issues or anything else related to the Black Mountain Road reconstruction project, contact the project team via
Phone: 5329 6500 – Council Customer Service.
Community support available for Black Mountain community
Share Community support available for Black Mountain community on Facebook Share Community support available for Black Mountain community on Twitter Share Community support available for Black Mountain community on Linkedin Email Community support available for Black Mountain community linkThe Black Mountain community is reminded of the services available to support them during the reconstruction works.
Information, support and referrals are available via Julia, a community support worker. Her many areas of expertise include providing support and advocacy navigating health and welfare systems and referrals to emergency relief and mental health support.
If you would like to access this free service, drop in or book an appointment to see Julia during her weekly visits to Cooroy Library on Mondays between 9am and 1pm.
Black Mountain Road landslide - time lapse footage
Share Black Mountain Road landslide - time lapse footage on Facebook Share Black Mountain Road landslide - time lapse footage on Twitter Share Black Mountain Road landslide - time lapse footage on Linkedin Email Black Mountain Road landslide - time lapse footage linkHazell Bros, construction contractors on the Black Mountain Road landslide, have compiled a time lapse video showing progress on site.
It can be found on YouTube by visiting - Black Mountain Rd Landslide Remedial Works Timelapse (
Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor
Share Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor on Facebook Share Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor on Twitter Share Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor on Linkedin Email Slate Creek Crossing flood monitor linkSlate Creek Crossing flood monitor
An upgraded sensor at the Slate Creek crossing on Andersons Road has been installed and is live. Council continues to monitor performance and calibrate as necessary.
To access the real-time information about water levels visit the Noosa Council Disaster Dashboard - - go to the "Emergency News" button.
The website has also been upgraded so you no longer require a password to access this information.
Unauthorised access to construction site
Share Unauthorised access to construction site on Facebook Share Unauthorised access to construction site on Twitter Share Unauthorised access to construction site on Linkedin Email Unauthorised access to construction site linkThe community is reminded that access to the Black Mountain Road landslip construction site is forbidden. This follows community feedback, as well security camera footage, that people have been trespassing out of work hours.
The landslide area is a worksite that only authorised persons can enter. Conditions on the site are constantly changing, with multiple hazards and potential risks. You are risking your own safety and the safety of others when you enter this site.
The site has 24/7 security camera and an audible alarm designed to remind people not to trespass. These measures were put in place to monitor construction and suspicious activity out of hours. In response to community complaints about the number of times this alarm sounded over the weekend, the alarm will be turned off. The security base station will continue to be advised when the site is accessed illegally, and the alarm will be reinstated if trespassing continues.
Security measures and fencing are also going to be reviewed.
Please note:
- Any location beyond the fence is considered the worksite.
- Signage on the fencing clearly specifies the restrictions.
- Do not cross beyond the fence unless you are an authorised person.
- More fencing may be put in place to deter those who plan to trespass.
We ask for the community's co-operation with this important safety issue.
Follow Project
- When did repairs start on Black Mountain Road?
- Can vehicles or pedestrians cross the slip during construction?
- What is the maintenance plan for the detour route?
- When will my roadside waste service return?
- Why doesn’t the road closure show on all navigation systems?
- How do I know if the Slate Creek Causeway is flooded?
- Want to know more about disaster resilience and managing your risk?
Photo gallery
Project timeline
Phase 1 - Engineering investigation (April - May 2022)
Black Mountain landslide has finished this stageCompleted, with monitoring ongoing .
Phase 2 - Funding submission (May 2022 - Sept 2023)
Black Mountain landslide has finished this stageSubmission reached approval phase and remains subject to final QRA endorsement.
Phase 3 - Design (Jan - May 2023)
Black Mountain landslide has finished this stageThe concept design, including options review has been completed. Council included assessments such as environmental arborist reports and cultural heritage during this phase.
Phase 4 - Procurement (Feb - Sept 2023)
Black Mountain landslide has finished this stageProcurements offered via a tender process to find the most suitable contractor to undertake the reconstruction.
Phase 5 - Construction (started Oct 2023)
Black Mountain landslide is currently at this stageHazell Bros was awarded the contract to reconstruct the landslip, with construction starting September 2023. The project is on track to be finished in April 2025, weather and construction conditions permitting.
Who's listening
Noosa Council
Project updates
Project News - Black Mountain Landslide
Project News 20 - Black Mountain Landslide (Dec 2024) (1.23 MB) (pdf)
Project News 19 - Black Mountain Landslide (Nov 2024) (612 KB) (pdf)
Project News 18 - Black Mountain Landslide (Sept 2024) (1.07 MB) (pdf)
Project News 17 - Black Mountain Landslide (July 2024) (967 KB) (pdf)
Project News 16 - Black Mountain Landslide (884 KB) (pdf)
Project News 15 - Black Mountain Landslide (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Project News 14 - Black Mountain Landslide (462 KB) (pdf)
Project News 13 - Black Mountain Landslide (791 KB) (pdf)
Project News 12 - Black Mountain Landslide (484 KB) (pdf)
Project News 11 - Black Mountain Landslide (1 MB) (pdf)
Project News 10 - Black Mountain Landslide (515 KB) (pdf)
Project News 9 - Black Mountain Landslide (340 KB) (pdf)
Project News 8 - Black Mountain Landslide (366 KB) (pdf)
Project News 7 - Black Mountain Landslide (914 KB) (pdf)
Project News 6 - Black Mountain Landslide (712 KB) (pdf)
Project News 5 - Black Mountain Landslide (1 MB) (pdf)
Project News 4 - Black Mountain Landslide (515 KB) (pdf)
Project News 3 - Black Mountain Landslide (356 KB) (pdf)
Project News 2 - Black Mountain Landslide (1.04 MB) (pdf)
Project News 1 - Black Mountain Landslide (384 KB) (pdf)
Project News - other local projects