Proposed Amendment No.2 to Noosa Plan 2020

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your feedback, Noosa! 

The proposed amendments and accompanying explanatory material were released for public notification on 31 May for a 6-week period, which was extended for a further 2 weeks.  During the public notification period, there were various opportunities for the community to engage with planners, access information and make submissions.  A total of 475 submissions were received including an online petition with 600 unique signatories. 

As required by the Planning Act 2016 and Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, a Consultation Report has been prepared.

The report provides an overview of the public notification and community engagement activities undertaken for Proposed Amendment No. 2 and outlines how Council has considered each properly made submission. This report includes Council’s decision on each specific issue. 

What we heard from the community

While there was a range of issues raised in submissions from the community, there were ten (10) key issue areas, some of which resulted in recommended changes to the proposed amendments. View the report to Council's Special Meeting on 12 December.

 The key issues identified through submissions and discussed in the Council report are:

  1. Noosa Junction Hospitality Precinct - hours of operation extension and amplified music definition 
  2. Noosa Business Centre
  3. Short term accommodation as an inconsistent use in Medium and High Density Residential zones and Centres zones
  4. Tourist Accommodation zone review - specific sites proposed to be rezoned
  5. Dwelling Houses becoming inconsistent in Medium and High Density Residential zones  
  6. Size of Small Dwellings 
  7. Mandatory small dwellings in the Medium and High Density Residential Zones and dual occupancy 
  8. Affordable Rental Premises and associated bonus provisions, including building height 
  9. Environmental Conservation and Management zone and setbacks
  10. Community Facilities zone - affordable housing

What changes have been made to Amendment No.2 of Noosa Plan 2020?

Following Council’s decision at the Special Meeting on 12 December 2024, several changes are proposed to the publicly notified amendments. 

Some of the key changes to be made include:

  • Dwelling houses will be consistent in Medium and High-Density Residential zones on lots less than 500sqm
  • Dual occupancies will be consistent in the Medium Density Residential zone on lots less than 1000sqm
  • Small dwellings will revert to existing size up to 100sqm
  • It will not be mandatory to construct small dwellings in the Medium and High-Density Residential zones but rather the current opt-in bonus provisions for small dwellings will be retained;
  • the proposed affordable rental bonus provisions will be removed from the Medium and High-Density Residential zones except on the key sites being the former Noosa Bowls Club site and Noosa Business Centre; 
  • 48 Noosa Drive, Noosa Heads will allow additional uses to the proposed High Density Residential zone of short-term accommodation where specifically low cost, being motel and backpackers over no more than 40% of the site and subject to a masterplan;
  • the current Tourist Accommodation zone at 3 Hilton Terrace, Tewantin (Noosa Lakes Resort) and lots fronting Gympie Terrace, Noosaville at the Islander Resort will be retained;

 Note other changes not listed above are also proposed as outlined in the Council report and minutes.

What happens next?

Changes will be made to Proposed Amendment No.2 consistent with Council’s decision including consequential changes, and forwarded to the State Government for Ministerial approval for adoption, together with the Consultation Report. This will be prepared and submitted to the State in early 2025. 

Following approval from the Minister, a further report will be submitted to Council for final adoption.

Thank you for your feedback, Noosa! 

The proposed amendments and accompanying explanatory material were released for public notification on 31 May for a 6-week period, which was extended for a further 2 weeks.  During the public notification period, there were various opportunities for the community to engage with planners, access information and make submissions.  A total of 475 submissions were received including an online petition with 600 unique signatories. 

As required by the Planning Act 2016 and Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, a Consultation Report has been prepared.

The report provides an overview of the public notification and community engagement activities undertaken for Proposed Amendment No. 2 and outlines how Council has considered each properly made submission. This report includes Council’s decision on each specific issue. 

What we heard from the community

While there was a range of issues raised in submissions from the community, there were ten (10) key issue areas, some of which resulted in recommended changes to the proposed amendments. View the report to Council's Special Meeting on 12 December.

 The key issues identified through submissions and discussed in the Council report are:

  1. Noosa Junction Hospitality Precinct - hours of operation extension and amplified music definition 
  2. Noosa Business Centre
  3. Short term accommodation as an inconsistent use in Medium and High Density Residential zones and Centres zones
  4. Tourist Accommodation zone review - specific sites proposed to be rezoned
  5. Dwelling Houses becoming inconsistent in Medium and High Density Residential zones  
  6. Size of Small Dwellings 
  7. Mandatory small dwellings in the Medium and High Density Residential Zones and dual occupancy 
  8. Affordable Rental Premises and associated bonus provisions, including building height 
  9. Environmental Conservation and Management zone and setbacks
  10. Community Facilities zone - affordable housing

What changes have been made to Amendment No.2 of Noosa Plan 2020?

Following Council’s decision at the Special Meeting on 12 December 2024, several changes are proposed to the publicly notified amendments. 

Some of the key changes to be made include:

  • Dwelling houses will be consistent in Medium and High-Density Residential zones on lots less than 500sqm
  • Dual occupancies will be consistent in the Medium Density Residential zone on lots less than 1000sqm
  • Small dwellings will revert to existing size up to 100sqm
  • It will not be mandatory to construct small dwellings in the Medium and High-Density Residential zones but rather the current opt-in bonus provisions for small dwellings will be retained;
  • the proposed affordable rental bonus provisions will be removed from the Medium and High-Density Residential zones except on the key sites being the former Noosa Bowls Club site and Noosa Business Centre; 
  • 48 Noosa Drive, Noosa Heads will allow additional uses to the proposed High Density Residential zone of short-term accommodation where specifically low cost, being motel and backpackers over no more than 40% of the site and subject to a masterplan;
  • the current Tourist Accommodation zone at 3 Hilton Terrace, Tewantin (Noosa Lakes Resort) and lots fronting Gympie Terrace, Noosaville at the Islander Resort will be retained;

 Note other changes not listed above are also proposed as outlined in the Council report and minutes.

What happens next?

Changes will be made to Proposed Amendment No.2 consistent with Council’s decision including consequential changes, and forwarded to the State Government for Ministerial approval for adoption, together with the Consultation Report. This will be prepared and submitted to the State in early 2025. 

Following approval from the Minister, a further report will be submitted to Council for final adoption.