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Image of a vista across Lake MacDonald at the Noosa Botanic Gardens

Give your feedback here!

Registration for the YourSay platform is required before completing the survey. This step is essential to enhance data security, improve response analytics for accurately understanding community preferences, eliminate duplicate entries and prevent bot infiltration. Your feedback is best facilitated through YourSay, however it may be submitted directly to Council by email to if you prefer.

Noosa Shire Council will only use the personal information collected for the intended purpose, to remain in contact with you regarding your response and the legitimate functions and services of Council affecting your property. Council is authorised to collect this information in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and associated laws. Access to your personal information will only be provided to appropriate Council employees and authorised officers. Your personal information will only be disclosed to third parties with your consent, or if required to do so by law. Your personal information is handled in accordance with Council’s Privacy Policy.

Please answer this short survey to help guide development of a master plan for the Noosa Botanic Gardens.

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