Destination Management Plan for Noosa Shire

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Thank you to all of the residents and businesses that gave input through surveys, workshops, coffee chats and written submissions.

We received over 780 responses to the two surveys, just over 300 participants at community workshops, stakeholder conversations and coffee chats and over 60 written submissions!

Council decided at the December Ordinary Meeting that further analysis of community engagement data collected is required, with further community engagement required in 2024.

You can read the Media Release about the community engagement process dated 15 December 2023 here.

For further details, including the priority issues to be addressed following further analysis of the community engagement data, you can read the Council Report from the Ordinary Meeting on 14 December 2023 here.


Many Noosa Shire residents have come to live here from other places, attracted by the natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle and the diverse landscapes our coast and hinterland towns offer.

We are starting a conversation across the Shire to stimulate discussion and obtain feedback from our Noosa community, on how we can collectively grow well together and sustain and protect the core values and iconic attributes of our place, to ensure Noosa Shire remains appealing and attractive to both residents and visitors. You can read the media release here.

From 15 September to 29 October, we’re inviting all Noosa Shire residents to have their say on their vision for the future of Noosa Shire.

There are a number of actions that Council currently undertakes to manage the visitor economy. We encourage you to read the Discussion Paper and consider a range of opportunities and issues and provide your comments to assist Council in developing a Destination Management Plan.

See the links below to complete the short 5-minute survey, the detailed survey. Or, find out more about all of the engagement opportunities below!

How can I get involved?

There are a range of ways you can get involved:

  • Read the Discussion Paper for an overview of the key themes, what Council already does and some ideas of what else could be done to address the impacts.

  • Complete a short 5-minute survey below to provide your ideas and feedback on some of the big destination management questions for our Shire.

  • If you have more time, and want to dive a bit deeper, complete the detailed survey below to provide your feedback on the proposed ideas for each theme in the Discussion Paper and add your own fresh ideas. It will take between 20- 30 minutes.

  • Register to take part in one of the workshops that will be held around the Shire (see the details and the links to register on the right-hand side of this page).

  • Come along to one of our Coffee Chats for a free coffee and provide your feedback.

  • Host your own Community Conversation Circle! Get your friends, family or colleagues together, add some snacks, and use this Conversation Circle Toolkit to help you lead a conversation and the Submission Form to send us your views.

  • Send a submission to (maximum 4 pages please or 5Mb file size please).

  • Read a hard copy version of the Discussion Paper at one of the Noosa libraries at Noosaville or Cooroy and place your feedback in the submission box.
You can read more about how other places across the world have approached destination management in a way that is meaningful to them under "Further Reading" on the right hand side of this page.

Get involved in the conversation and have your say, Noosa!

Thank you to all of the residents and businesses that gave input through surveys, workshops, coffee chats and written submissions.

We received over 780 responses to the two surveys, just over 300 participants at community workshops, stakeholder conversations and coffee chats and over 60 written submissions!

Council decided at the December Ordinary Meeting that further analysis of community engagement data collected is required, with further community engagement required in 2024.

You can read the Media Release about the community engagement process dated 15 December 2023 here.

For further details, including the priority issues to be addressed following further analysis of the community engagement data, you can read the Council Report from the Ordinary Meeting on 14 December 2023 here.


Many Noosa Shire residents have come to live here from other places, attracted by the natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle and the diverse landscapes our coast and hinterland towns offer.

We are starting a conversation across the Shire to stimulate discussion and obtain feedback from our Noosa community, on how we can collectively grow well together and sustain and protect the core values and iconic attributes of our place, to ensure Noosa Shire remains appealing and attractive to both residents and visitors. You can read the media release here.

From 15 September to 29 October, we’re inviting all Noosa Shire residents to have their say on their vision for the future of Noosa Shire.

There are a number of actions that Council currently undertakes to manage the visitor economy. We encourage you to read the Discussion Paper and consider a range of opportunities and issues and provide your comments to assist Council in developing a Destination Management Plan.

See the links below to complete the short 5-minute survey, the detailed survey. Or, find out more about all of the engagement opportunities below!

How can I get involved?

There are a range of ways you can get involved:

  • Read the Discussion Paper for an overview of the key themes, what Council already does and some ideas of what else could be done to address the impacts.

  • Complete a short 5-minute survey below to provide your ideas and feedback on some of the big destination management questions for our Shire.

  • If you have more time, and want to dive a bit deeper, complete the detailed survey below to provide your feedback on the proposed ideas for each theme in the Discussion Paper and add your own fresh ideas. It will take between 20- 30 minutes.

  • Register to take part in one of the workshops that will be held around the Shire (see the details and the links to register on the right-hand side of this page).

  • Come along to one of our Coffee Chats for a free coffee and provide your feedback.

  • Host your own Community Conversation Circle! Get your friends, family or colleagues together, add some snacks, and use this Conversation Circle Toolkit to help you lead a conversation and the Submission Form to send us your views.

  • Send a submission to (maximum 4 pages please or 5Mb file size please).

  • Read a hard copy version of the Discussion Paper at one of the Noosa libraries at Noosaville or Cooroy and place your feedback in the submission box.
You can read more about how other places across the world have approached destination management in a way that is meaningful to them under "Further Reading" on the right hand side of this page.

Get involved in the conversation and have your say, Noosa!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    All information collected will be for the purpose of developing draft a Destination Management Plan and will be stored and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Your personal information will never be shared with any third party. All data will be de-identified for the purpose of reporting the findings back to the community.

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Page last updated: 15 Dec 2023, 11:30 AM