Butter Factory Council Report
The Project Team have completed their review into the operations of the Cooroy Butter Factory. The Infrastructure & Services Committee Meeting have referred the report to Council's General Committee Meeting this coming Monday 9th March, 2015. The Recommendation contained in the report is:
That Council note the report by the Director of Community Services to the Infrastructure & Services Committee Meeting dated 3 March 2015 and agree to:
A. Adopt Option 3 as its preferred option and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Cooroy Lower Mill Board to manage the operations of the Cooroy Butter Factory for an initial period of three years;
B. Include in the MOU that U3A Noosa and the Ceramic Centre of Excellence be anchor tenants in the Butter Factory for this period;
C. Consider as part of the 2015/16 budget process, the allocation of $80,000 to the Cooroy Lower Mill Board to allow them to meet start-up expenses and employ suitably qualified staff to support the operations of the Butter Factory. This amount to be reviewed annually thereafter with a view to the subsidy being reduced to $55,000 in the third year; and
D. Continue to maintain the Butter Factory and Pottery Shed buildings.
The Report and meeting agendas can be located on Council's website at: Council Meetings & MinutesConsultation has concluded