Butter Factory open for business under Cooroy Future Group
Following the review of the Cooroy Butter Factory through 2015, Noosa Council has formerly handed management of the facility to local community organisation, the Cooroy Future Group, formerly the Lower Mill Board.
The Cooroy Future Group has commenced managing and operating the Butter Factory Arts Centre from January 2016 and will operate under a twelve month trial. At the end of 2016 Council will review operations to determine if the community managed model should be continued.
The Cooroy Future Group has a strong vision for the Butter Factory which will continue to focus on arts-related exhibitions and programming as well extending to other community activities. The Cooroy Future Group will also oversight the pottery.
For more information on the operation of the Cooroy Butter Factory please visit the new website at www.butterfactoryartscentre.com.au
Consultation has concluded