Noosa River Plan to include whole catchment
Noosa Council will update the Noosa River Plan and broaden its scope to include the whole catchment.
“Given the community’s concern about the way the River is managed, plus the advice of our recent community jury, it is time to revisit the Noosa River Plan. We need to ensure it is up to date and relevant,” said Councillor Brian Stockwell. "And there will be plenty of opportunity throughout that process for residents and stakeholders to have a say.
“Broadening the plan’s scope to include the catchment makes sense when you consider that the health of the tributaries, creeks and lakes has flow-on implications for the River.
“The catchment’s lakes, remnant vegetation, aquatic ecosystems, floodplain and wetlands all have ecological, social and economic values. Clearly these may benefit from better protection and management.”
A key aim of an updated River Plan will be protection of water quality, including consideration of both land-based and on-river activities. That will include rehabilitation and conservation of tributary habitats, plus a focus on wetlands and marine plants.
Council developed the Noosa River Plan in conjunction with the community in 2004 as a primary management tool for the waterway. It was last reviewed in 2009.
Environment Officer Jan Maddin said Council would be reaching out to the community for their input between March and June.
“The new plan will better protect the catchment’s environmental, social and economic values for the long term,” she said.
Councillor Stockwell said the revamped Noosa River Plan would also support Council’s case for taking over some of the State’s management responsibilities on the river, including anchoring permits and removal of hulks.
"Those discussions with the State are ongoing," he said.
Consultation has concluded